18 Ways to Break Into the Live Event & Music Industry

18 Ways to Break Into the Live Event & Music Industry

Welcome to The Giggs Podcast! Giggs is the career platform for live event professionals. We're starting this podcast because there's not nearly enough content out there about what it really takes to be on the road. Whether you're an aspiring tour manager, a seasoned backline tech, or just getting started in the business, this podcast is for you. We're taking you behind the scenes to explore the highs and the lows of life gigging on the Giggs Podcast. 

Are you looking to break into the music and live event industry but don't know where to start? The path to success in this field is far from straightforward, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can make your way into this exciting and dynamic career. Here are 18 actionable steps to help you get started.

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1. Build Your Network
The live event industry thrives on word of mouth. Start building your network with the people you already know – teachers, family members, and friends – even if they aren't in the industry. Use them as a starting point to get connected.

2. Research and Cold Calling
Research local production companies, event managers, and venues. Don’t be afraid to send cold emails or make phone calls to ask for informational interviews, shadowing opportunities, or even unpaid internships.

3. Volunteer and Seek Internships
Look for volunteer opportunities at local events or internships with production companies. These roles offer hands-on experience and valuable industry contacts.

4. Attend Networking Events
Find industry networking events through platforms like Facebook or Eventbrite. Make a point to attend and connect with at least one new person.

5. Ask for a 15-Minute Phone Call
Instead of asking for a coffee meeting, ask for a 15-minute phone call. It’s less time-consuming and easier to fit into busy schedules, making it more likely that people will say yes.

6. Always Ask for Introductions
After every interaction, ask if there's anyone else you should speak to. This will exponentially grow your network.

7. Stay Top of Mind
Regularly update your contacts with what you're working on. Send out a short update twice a year so they remember you when opportunities arise.

8. Maintain a Clean Online Presence
Your social media is often the first impression potential employers will have of you. Keep it professional and avoid posting anything that could be seen as inappropriate, especially from backstage events.

9. Find Mentors
Identify and seek out mentors who can guide you. Your mentors could be industry veterans, professors, or even friends. Their experience and advice will be invaluable.

10. Explore Local Production Companies and DMCs
Offer to shadow or intern at local production companies or Destination Management Companies (DMCs). This hands-on experience will teach you about different aspects of the industry.

11. Never Say No to a Gigg
Say yes to every gigg, regardless of how small it seems. Each opportunity is a chance to learn, network, and prove your reliability and work ethic.

12. Take Every Gigg Seriously
Treat every job with the utmost professionalism. The way you perform, even in entry-level roles, will determine whether you get hired again.

13. Follow Up After Every Gigg
Always send a thank-you note or call after a gigg. This shows appreciation and helps keep you top of mind for future opportunities.

14. Be a Sponge and Learn from Mistakes
Absorb all the information you can from every job and learn from your mistakes. Don’t let fear of failure hold you back; everyone in this industry has made mistakes.

15. You Are Your Own Business
As a freelancer, you must manage your finances, network constantly, and treat your career like a business. Plan for the ups and downs of gig work.

16. Celebrate Others' Successes
Avoid jealousy and celebrate the success of your peers. Their success can lead to future opportunities for you as well.

17. When One Door Closes, Another Opens
Rejection is part of the journey. Trust that every closed door brings you closer to the right opportunity.

18. Join Giggs
Join platforms like Giggs, the professional network for the live event industry, to start building your profile, networking, and applying for jobs. Visit www.giggs.live to get started.

This career path is a marathon, not a sprint, and persistence is key. Reach out, build relationships, and take every opportunity that comes your way. Your next gigg is just around the corner!

Feel free to reach out to us at info@giggs.live for resume reviews, profile advice, or any questions you might have. We’re here to help you succeed in this exciting industry.

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