The Giggs Podcast: #12 Chris Lisle | "Mic Drop With Robert Plant"

The Giggs Podcast: #12 Chris Lisle | "Mic Drop With Robert Plant"

Welcome to The Giggs Podcast! Giggs is the career platform for live event professionals. We're starting this podcast because there's not nearly enough content out there about what it really takes to be on the road. Whether you're an aspiring tour manager, a seasoned backline tech, or just getting started in the business, this podcast is for you. We're taking you behind the scenes to explore the highs and the lows of life gigging on the Giggs Podcast. 

We sat down with Chris Lisle, a veteran production designer, lighting expert, and show producer with over 32 years in the business. He’s worked with legends like Robert Plant, Miranda Lambert, and Alice Cooper, and co-founded the Touring Career Workshop, a nonprofit dedicated to helping professionals in the live event industry.

Listen to the whole episode now! Click here to listen on SpotifyApple, or YouTube!

Finding His Path

Chris’s career began unexpectedly in 1991 when a friend asked him to be the “lighting guy” for a small tour. With no experience, he agreed and quickly realized it was exactly what he wanted to do. While driving through Wyoming at sunrise, he had an epiphany: his love for music, creativity, and travel had collided. From that moment on, he knew this was his path.

After several years of odd jobs in Nashville, Chris made lighting a full-time career in 1995. His big break came on the *Walmart Country Music Across America* tour, where he played 181 shows without a day off. This experience taught him one of the most valuable lessons in the industry: the importance of networking.

Building a Career

Chris’s journey from lighting tech to full-on production designer was driven by his ability to understand both the creative and logistical sides of events. He’s managed everything from national tours to festivals like CMA Fest. A key part of his success? Efficiency and safety in setting up and tearing down events, which is crucial for keeping costs low and clients happy.

One of his favorite projects was designing for Miranda Lambert’s *Platinum Tour*, where they built a massive picture frame around a video wall to match the album’s theme. “It was all about shiny, reflective materials,” Chris recalls, “and Miranda was very collaborative.”

Working with Legends

Chris has had the privilege of working with legends like Robert Plant, and he credits these experiences with shaping his outlook on the industry. His time with Plant, in particular, stands out. Chris recalls Plant’s down-to-earth attitude: “On this tour, we all eat together,” Plant told him. At the end of the tour, Plant even gave Chris a handwritten note and a bonus, a gesture that Chris cherishes to this day.

Giving Back: Touring Career Workshop

In 2011, Chris co-founded the *Touring Career Workshop* (TCW) to address the unique challenges touring professionals face, like tax planning, retirement, and mental health. TCW has grown into an invaluable resource, offering free workshops and, more recently, on-site mental health counseling at festivals.

"This is going to be my legacy," Chris says. "TCW is how I want to be remembered—not for the lighting I did, but for helping my peers."

Balancing Work and Family

Touring takes its toll on personal life, and Chris is open about the challenges he's faced. Now happily remarried, he works hard to balance his career with family time. His advice? "When you're home, live like it's 9 to 5. Shut off the computer, and make time for family."

Looking Ahead

Chris has seen the industry evolve from analog to digital and appreciates both the old-school simplicity and the new creative possibilities. He continues to work on major events, but his focus has shifted toward mentoring and supporting the next generation of industry professionals through TCW.

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