The Giggs Podcast: #5 Jim Yakabuski | "Holy $h!t I’m Mixing Van Halen"

The Giggs Podcast: #5 Jim Yakabuski | "Holy $h!t I’m Mixing Van Halen"

Welcome to The Giggs Podcast! Giggs is the career platform for live event professionals. We're starting this podcast because there's not nearly enough content out there about what it really takes to be on the road. Whether you're an aspiring tour manager, a seasoned backline tech, or just getting started in the business, this podcast is for you. We're taking you behind the scenes to explore the highs and the lows of life gigging on the Giggs Podcast. 

In live events, where every beat matters, Jim Yakabuski has spent over four decades ensuring the music hits just right. From working with icons like No Doubt and Aerosmith to handling sound at massive events like the Super Bowl, Jim’s journey is all about perseverance and passion.

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The Start

Jim’s first gig in 1981 was all over the place —feedback issues, technical problems, the works. Fresh out of recording school, he quickly realized that live sound is a whole different beast than the studio. But instead of giving up, he turned these early failures into lessons. A turning point was when two audience members offered him an equalizer after seeing him struggle. That moment set him on a path of constant learning.

The Game-Changer

Every career has a defining moment. For Jim, it was walking into a bar called the Rock Pit, where the sound was perfect—everything he had been striving for. From that night on, he was hooked. He knew live sound was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life.

From Bars to Arenas

Jim’s rise wasn’t easy. After countless rejections, a chance encounter with a waitress wearing a DB Sound t-shirt got him his first big break in the U.S. Soon, he was working at Summerfest in Milwaukee, marking the start of his journey into the big leagues. His real breakthrough came with Aerosmith, landing a gig as a monitor engineer just by being in the right place at the right time. This experience was invaluable, teaching him the ins and outs of working with major bands.

Adapting to Change

Over the years, Jim has seen live sound evolve. From the chaotic days of wedge speakers to the precision of in-ear monitors, he’s adapted to every change, always staying ahead of the curve.

A Legacy of Passion

Jim Yakabuski’s career is a lesson in resilience, adaptability, and a deep love for music. After 43 years, he’s still pushing the boundaries, ensuring every performance is flawless. His story is a reminder that success in live sound engineering isn’t just about skill—it’s about heart.


In an industry where even the smallest mistake can be catastrophic, Jim Yakabuski has thrived by embracing challenges and learning from failures. His journey shows that with passion and commitment, you can turn any setback into a stepping stone.

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